Men too, have a role to play in ensuring you conceive a healthy baby, writes HANNAH CHIRA

You will never find men combing through pre-pregnancy reading material, stocking up on the right vitamins and minerals and avoiding hidden dangers that could harm their baby to be.

Indeed, trying to get pregnant should not entirely be left to a woman, since men make half of the equation. Therefore, here is a list of what dads to be ought to do to prepare for conception and hence ensure a healthy pregnancy.

Eating healthy

If you thought you would continue enjoying junk food and alcohol while your mate fills up on steamed vegetables, yams, arrowroots and sweet potatoes then think again. Eating healthy will not only make it easier for her, but your sperm will be healthier too.

Poor nutrition affects the quality and quantity of sperm. Research has proven that men with low levels of folic acid, the B vitamin that prevents neural-tube defects in babies, were found to have low sperm counts.

Stock up on foods that are rich in zinc. Deficiencies in zinc reduce semen volume and testosterone levels. So eat meat, seafood and eggs, not forgetting to increase the volume of your foods with vitamin C, which boots sperm motility

Party is over

The party’s over for you as well as for her. Tobacco, alcohol and drugs affect the sperm. This troublesome trio not only lowers sperm count, but also slows mobility.

Buy some boxers. Briefs are blamed for causing overheating in the testes thus inhibiting sperm production.

Stay away from the hot tub, saunas or hot baths before the baby making business gets under way. This is because heat kills sperms and they take up to three months to regenerate. Testicles function best when they keep their cool: “The boys” are happiest at 33-35 to 96 degrees Celsius, a couple of degrees cooler than normal body temperature.

Finally, cut back on the hustle and relax.