This past Wednesday was World Aids Day and I'm hoping you stole into a VCT centre for that crucial test. And if you did not, I am hoping that you are planning to do that soon.

If you noticed on that day, all over social networks — Twitter and Facebook — guys were busy putting up updates about going out and getting tested.

It’s nice to see celebs encouraging people to go out and know their status. But one thing I keep asking myself is, after the test, what next? If you are negative, what are you doing to ensure that come World Aids Day 2011, your results will be the same?

I was having a conversation with my pals and we noticed that there is a negative mentality amongst the upper/middle class guys that Aids doesn’t exist in their social circles.

No protection

These people assume that the guys in their clique are too classy to be infected. That explains why they blindly have one-night stands with members of their social circles without using protection. The day someone gets infected in that circle, chances are high everybody in that clique will also be infected.

A few confused Kenyans out there need a thorough wake-up call. Take for instance one overrated radio personality. The day right after World Aids Day, the most interesting topic that he could come up with is to ask pathological doggers to call in and talk to him. And we had to listen to randy Kenyan guys lying that cheating is inevitable.

Majority of these callers seemed proud of their escapades. I was surprised the presenter did not ask any of these doggers whether they went out and got tested. Mulika the cheaters: Don’t give them a forum to discuss their conquests.

There is something dysfunctional in our society today and I don’t think the people who have the opportunity to influence behaviour change are doing their part. Julie Gichuru got tested live in studio.

Can all those clowns out there follow her lead!