By Mutwiri Mutuota

Accommodation and food arrangements for participants, officials, media as well as key guests for Nairobi 2010, 17th Africa Athletics Championships will cost over Sh100m.

This emerged yesterday as the events’ Local Organising Committee (LOC) and eight hotels that will provide services for the July 28 to August 1 continental track and field showdown formalised their contracts.

Addressing the media, LOC chair, Isaiah Kiplagat also delivered guidelines to the contracted hotels on requirements for athletes, officials and important guests that will flock to Nairobi for the biennial affair.

"It’s been a long journey but we have finally come to agreement. We are pleased the hotels we have contracted have agreed to offload all the rooms we have booked for the championships since the July/August period is a peak season," Kiplagat said.

Close Proximity

"The costs will total over Sh100m and LOC will pay 50 per cent of that upon signing the contracts in the next week in accordance to the offers made by the hotels. We shall follow the agreements to the letter," he added.

All contracted facilities are in close proximity to Nyayo Stadium are divided into categories with Intercontinental being designated as the Family (top IAAF and continental body Confederation of Africa Athletics officials) hotel.

"The Family hotel requires more attention in terms of security and Intercontinental understands security implications of high calibre guests having hosted among others, US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton," the chair observed.

Athletes will be housed at Sarova Panafric, Hill Park, Ole Sereni and Red Court hotels while Sarova Stanley shall accommodate international technical officials. Jacaranda Hotel will be the abode for local event officials with West Breeze being the designated media hotel.

Athlete hotels will be required to have a standard menu with all the facilities stocking only beverages that LOC will have contracted from suppliers. Only those accredited for the event will be allowed to access LOC’s hospitality.

Mixed Zone

All hotels will have a mixed zone for press interviews and LOC will assign specific hotels for various teams once the 1,200 preliminary entries are vetted for qualification.

LOC will sign contracts with transport providers for the event next week as well as unveil another major sponsor this morning at Athletics Kenya’s Riadha House.