Landlord who waived two month’s rent for his tenants in Ndunyu Njeru, Kinangop in Nyandarua County surprised them again on Sunday by donating foodstuffs to them.

On Sunday April 19, photos on Munene donating food to his tenants surfaced the internet with most Kenyans thanking him for his good gesture.

Michael Munene said that he understood the economic situation since the pandemic hit the country; that's why he decided that his tenants won't pay rent for two months, March and April.

Mr Munene has 28 residential houses that he charges Sh3,000 each and six commercial units that he rents out for Sh5,000 a month. 

"When Coronavirus came to Kenya, life became unbearable, and some of them could not afford to raise the rent early enough resorting to borrowing, that's why I have decided not to charge them for the next two months," said Munene.

The landlord added that he agreed with those who could pay the rent to do so by the 10th of the month instead of 7th.

At a time when other landlords are demanding rent from tenants, some locking them outside and removing the roofs, Munene says he understands the COVID-19 pandemic in the country has made life difficult for people.

"My tenants are usually very loyal, and most of them settle their rent on time. I reflected on the current situation, and told myself: 'Even if none [of my tenants] has ever absconded paying house rent, I understand that the coronavirus outbreak could make it difficult for some to raise the rent on time'. I wouldn't want a situation where any of my tenants takes a loan to settle house rent," he added.

Munene's decision comes weeks after the government asked businesses and companies to allow their employees to work from home or other go on unpaid leave over the pandemic.