Coronavirus was discovered on 31 December 2019 in Wuhan City, Hubei Province of China. It started by producing symptoms like cough, fever, tiredness, later-on it was identified as a causal virus early January 2020. Due to the quick and widespread of the virus, the World Health Organization declared that the outbreak constitutes a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.

The outbreak has been giving researchers and scientists a hard time as they are working very hard by doing anything possible to get the medicine. In addition to that, the virus is new and quite challenging, making it very difficult to understand. Scientists are working around the clock, day and night combating the virus.

This pandemic has stopped so many things in the world. Every country is just focusing on how to stop the spread of the virus; it is challenging and difficult to know who has it or not unless tested. So many safety measures such as; washing hand or sanitizing, wearing face-masks, social distance had been laid down for the citizen to put in place so as to help stop the spread any further. Despite all the measures listed above, the virus continues to spread due to the ignorance of the citizens, thereby making the government coming up with tough measures.

One of the major tough measures which some countries had imposed is a complete lockdown (stay at home). This has led to a lot of reactions, as some argue that they will suffer and die because of hunger, but the governments are not relenting on doing it. They claim that this is the safest way to stop the spread of the virus.

Complete lockdown or stay at home, which was imposed by the governments and forced to the citizens, has brought good news to the entire world. Since it was introduced, other countries have experienced a reduction in the spread of the virus. On the other hand, it has locked out people from doing their daily business or activities.

This has led to the closure of major events, activities, and businesses, making citizens be indoors. For years, many people have been concentrating on their businesses, whereby some live the house as early as 3.00 am when the rest of the family are still sleeping, and coming back at midnight when everybody is almost asleep.

Due to business excursion, some families have fallen apart, it takes almost three or four months, or even more than five months before meeting family members. It reached a point where many babies or children don't know or recognize their parent (s). Here comes a case where newborn babies are left in the hand of a baby sitter for a few months. The child is growing on the hand of the caretaker because the mother or father is on a business trip.

Coronavirus has finally brought back families at home; the outbreak forced countries to cancel and stop several activities. This left citizens with no option but to follow the government directive, which is "Stay at Home."

Most people have been complaining that the current generation has lost focus. It is absolutely true because they were growing without parental guidance; parents did not have time for their own children, only spending time on their daily business and events. Now that coronavirus has collected families together; children can account for parental love and guidance, parents also are now in a good position to study children and understand what they are facing or going through.

Because of lockdown, men are indoors at all times; at least their wives can appreciate their presence this period. It's different from older days when men left work, and their next stage is a bar, club, and so on. Women have been facing some challenges just by carrying out family issues in the absence of their partners, but now the lockdown has brought joy and celebration in the house. Parents are seeing their children more often.

Even though curfew and lockdown have brought families together, a lot of people are going through a tough situation. Not going to work means no earning and finally nothing to put on the table. Many are suffering out of starvation; it's a do or die time. At least there are some advantages which lockdown has come with; it brings families together and stops the spread of COVID-19.