Following an incident where DJ Evolve was allegedly shot by Embakasi East MP Babu Owino, Kenyan DJs have rallied behind him saying they refute any attempts to portray him (Evolve) as the aggressor.

In a statement seen by Ureport, the DJs described Evolve as hardworking and jovial, saying what happened to him was shocking.

They called on the relevant authorities to act quickly and bring the accused to book, vowing to stand with Evolve’s family as he continues to recuperate in hospital.

“As the Kenyan DJ fraternity, we strongly condemn the attack against one of our own, DJ Evolve that was meted out in a most brutal and despicable way by Embakasi East Member of Parliament Hon. Babu Owino while DJ Evolve was on duty.

We refute any attempt to change the narrative to portray DJ Evolve as the aggressor, going by the claims on Hon. Babu Owino’s social media pages.

All who have interacted with DJ Evolve know him as a humble, hardworking and jovial individual, who was out there doing his best to make a living in this tough times we currently experience.

We as the DJ fraternity are concerned parties of this matter. We will keenly be following up on the proceedings and demand the Kenyan Government and the Office of the DCI ensure that Hon. Babu Owino faces the full force of the law.

As per our constitution, attempted murder is a crime that has serious consequences that also include life imprisonment.

The act carried out by Hon. Babu Owino is tantamount to attempted murder against an unarmed and innocent hardworking Kenyan by an ostentatious youth leader who casts shame on not only the current leadership but to all aspiring Kenyans at large.

To reiterate, we as the Kenyan DJ fraternity stand firmly with DJ Evolve and will offer his family all the support they need during this time.

We also urge you as our fellow Kenyans to stand together with us in solidarity and support of DJ Evolve as well as in this fight to ensure that no Kenyan is above the law. Let our voices be heard!”