MCAs will soon leave rented offices to enjoy the luxury of a Sh350 million office complex.

The complex under construction by the assembly will house the 33 MCAs and their staff.

Speaker Josiah Thiriku said the structure would save the taxpayers Sh60 million in the next five years. The Ward Reps rent offices in town where they pay Sh1 million every month.

“The contract was awarded to a local contractor to boost our economy,” Mr Thiriku said during a tour of the site yesterday.

The reps welcomed the project, saying the tendering process was “above board and the assembly leadership consulted widely” before embarking on the construction.

Construction of the complex had started in 2016, but stalled due to political interference by a section of MCAs in the first assembly.

The reps in the second assembly have, however, unanimously pledged to support the project. They dispelled fear that money from essential development matters had been diverted to finance the offices’ building.