BBC has released its list of 100 top most inspirational and innovative women for 2017 in the world. According to BBC, the women will be part of the 100 women challenge where four teams will come together to share their life experiences and tackle some of the biggest problems affecting women all over the world.

The women will be tackling the following things;

The glass ceiling - #Teamlead

Female illiteracy - #Teamread

Street harassment - #Teamgo

Sexism in sport - #Teamplay

Three Kenyan women managed to be on the BBC’s list, Anita Nderu, Adele Anyango and Naomi Mwaura.

Anita Nderu

Anita Nderu is a TV presenter, a voice over artist and a radio news anchor at Capital FM, Nairobi. She is passionate about mentoring youth.

Adele Anyango

Adele is a radio presenter at Nairobi’s Kiss 100 and television host seeking to empower young women through mentorship and apprenticeship programmes.

Naomi Mwaura

Naomi is the founder of Flone Initiative and Communications Associate at ITDP Africa. She was also one of the lead organizers of the anti-harassment protest #MyDressMyChoice, which changed the law around harassment in Kenya.

Congratulations to all the three women, we appreciate your roles in changing women’s lives in Kenya and around the world.