Life will take a curve but it doesn’t mean that it isn’t on track.

Often, the curve is part of what may be a difficult process, because if you take a moment and look back, you will realise that combined, all that you considered mishaps have somehow worked together for your greater good.

What you may deem a curse right now could be that blessing that will lead you to your destiny. As long as you do the right thing at the intended time, you need not worry much because the universe will back you up towards where your life should be.

Tomorrow will be better because you have today to improve on your life. You have today to dust yourself and walk with pride again, to make amends on the things you failed to do for whatever reason.

Life is about how you finish the race and not how you start.

When you think that you have something all figured out you are derailed. Things can happen when you were just about to take sail and it is best to sit back and remember what you are all about, take stock, recall what you have always believed and known to be true about yourself.