James Ngaita Ngigi alias Jimmy Gait is a multiple award winning recording artiste, singer, songwriter and businessman.

Growing up you wanted to be an...Engineer.

If my parents could have had their way I would have been ... Pastor.

Which college did you attend? Moffat College.

What did you major in? Bible and theology.

Classes I skipped...I did not skip any. I was serious.

Studying for exams meant... I used to take three days of intense studying and the rest of the days I would just freestyle.

Best campus experience... Winning a crucial table tennis game. 

Dating while in college…I was dating this girl who lived near my college, then they moved to Nairobi and the distance killed our relationship. 

Hated most about campus...Curfews. We had to be in school before a set time.

What would you change about your campus experience? The food; it was terrible. We would eat githeri and muthokoi a lot and I would definitely change that.

Side hustles? I used to do odd jobs like slashing, cleaning toilets and sweeping.

Any contact with your college friends? I am still in contact with some of my friends but lost contact with most of them.