Yesterday, four donkey heads and intestines were found behind a popular restaurant in the outskirts of Ngurubani town, raising fears that some butchers could be involved in the illegal syndicate. PHOTO:COURTESY

Residents of Kirinyaga County could unknowingly be eating donkey meat.

This is because in the recent past donkey remains have been found in several areas around the county.

Yesterday, four donkey heads and intestines were found behind a popular restaurant in the outskirts of Ngurubani town, raising fears that some butchers could be involved in the illegal syndicate.

Children who were going to school found the donkey parts and raised the alarm, attracting the attention of passersby.

A resident of the nearby Murubara village, Ms Wariara Githinji, said she was shocked to see the four donkey heads dumped at the scene where the animals were suspected to have been slaughtered.

‘’I was among those who arrived at the scene shortly after 6am on hearing the alarm raised by the children. At first, I thought they were under attack,’’ she said.

When contacted, the county director of Livestock and Fisheries, Dr Richard Gichangi, said he was going to the scene to gather facts about the incident.

He added that he had received reports that donkey parts had been found in Mwea, with the latest one being reported at Thiba village, where six heads were found.

‘’Three weeks ago, six donkeys were said to have been slaughtered at Makutano market and their meat taken to an unknown destination. This is a clear indication that there is a thriving donkey meat trade in this county,’’ he said.

Some butchers, who said eating donkey meat was a taboo in the area, claimed that their businesses have been hurt by the development.

‘’I have been a butcher in Ngurubani market for many years but the trade has been hurt by the continued discovery of donkey carcasses in the area. Our customers fear that we are selling donkey meat,’’ said Mr Kimani Muriithi, one of the butchers.

Other residents claimed that the donkey meat could be finding its way to towns farther afield and even Nairobi, especially in the city’s slums.