It is with immense bitterness that I  write this note. Most of the time, I would rather keep quiet and not meddle but this has to be addressed. Kenya is a blessed country with beautiful cultures and diverse talent but we are letting this go with the wind, we are blowing off our own candle.

With the on ongoing Rio Olympics, the pride we take in our sports men can never go unnoticed, no matter where we are,  but this is turning into a bitter pill to swallow.  I have no idea whether we even have a  sports ministry any more and if so what  is its work?

In as much as I would love to be patriotic and see my fellow country men do the same,  I  support the fact that we are losing our talent to other countries. let's face it, who wants to use their talent to a government that just doesn't seem to give enough support to the hard work of its own people?

I have read some embarrassing articles of how our heroes are being taken for granted by the very people who should be celebrating them. The recent incident of Julius Yego's plane ticket to the Rio Olympics disappearing being one of them.  Mark you, this is The African and Commonwealth record holder for javelin.

Just how does such mediocrity take place, this is the highest kind of negligence by whoever is responsible for making sure that our athletes are well taken care of. 

Another one is that of Marko Chest who simply receives an email from the Kenya National Paralympics stating why he will not be participating  in the Rio Olympics. 

This is simply embarrassing and nerve wrecking especially since all these athletes put their everything into their practice, they get very minimal support  from the responsible bodies yet we know that we have so much unexplored talent in our region.

With all that said, I am very proud of all those bearing our country's flag, you make us proud. To the government,the responsible body and the whole country in general. Let us come together and support our athletes . There is so much unexploited talent In the villages, most of it goes unnoticed. We need to focus on supporting them