A family in Kabarnet, Baringo that has been in a land dispute for a long time has finally found a God sent solution. A strike of a lightening solved the dispute in a second.

The lightening stroke a tree in the disputed land and pieces of wood from the tree and stones were thrown systematically to demarcate the right boundaries for the two disputing family members.

Elders and locals believed that, it was God's intervention to solve the dispute. Locals believed that the stones and pieces of woods acted as beacons for boundary demarcation. The event attracted hundreds of Kabarnet locals including government officials.

Locals burnt fuel for their cars and motorcycles while others footed to the scene to witness the 'miracle'. The locals said that if the person on the disputed piece of land doesn't give up the portion, another lightening will soon strike again in anger and may possibly take the life of the disputed land owner.