As Kenyans prepare to bury former Minister for Foreign Affairs Wilson Ndolo Ayah, special tributes have continued to pour in from far and wide. Many have eulogised Ndolo as a refined politician.

Kenyans who knew him would agree with that Ndolo never engaged in mudslinging, chest thumping and political posturing that is common among many Kenyan politicians.

His personal and political achievements were definitely outstanding, especially in his day when opportunities were very scarce and beyond the reach of many.

By being admitted to Maseno School, Ndolo’s academic brilliance was in no doubt considering the stiff competition from hundreds of students who all fought for that precious admission.

Maseno then was a coveted and prestigious school in Nyanza. In those days, joining Maseno School was not an easy feat and was considered by many to be ‘ultimate arrival’ and a sign of good things to follow.

Maseno students saw themselves as exceptional and a unique breed of scholars. As if that was not enough, Ndolo received another dream of joining Makerere University.

It was then obvious that “Mheshimiwa” was no ordinary person. Makerere then was a preserve of the very few, a conclave for would-be leaders of the new African States that were then clamouring for independence.

It is also evident that there was something special that former President Daniel arap Moi saw in Ndolo for him to appoint him to critical ministries such as Foreign Affairs, Research, Science and Technology, and Water. Not many MPs got such ministerial appointments during that era.

As Ndolo is laid to rest, his ideals, contributions and achievements will continue to shine inspiring many to step out of their comfort zones, venture into unchartered waters and leave marks that will be hard to erase.