Ballot papers being counted at Homa Bay Primary School as polling station closed down. [PHOTO: TITUS MUNALA/STANDARD]

Homa Bay, Kenya: ODM candidate Moses Kajwang takes an early lead with 72, 328 votes followed by MDP’s Philip Okoth Okundi with 16,596 votes.

These are the results of 553 polling stations out of 816 polling stations

Voters in Homa Bay County today returned to the polls to elect a new Senator to replace the late Hon. Otieno Kajwang who died of Heart Attack at Matter hospital.

Seven candidates are running for the coveted senatorial position.


Polling stations opened at 6am and closed at 5pm.

According to IEBC, Electronic Voter Identification Devices (EVIDs) are in use in all stations while provisional results will be transmitted electronically from polling streams, using specially configured mobile phones.

Vote tallying is ongoing at Homa Bay primary school.