Not switching it up or switching it up too often

We know that stagnating at lifting the same weights or doing the same ol’ routine is no good but the opposite could very well be the reason you’re feeling frustrated by your progress. Drastic changes will make your workouts less effective. Find a programme that ticks an array of boxes such as cardio, strength-training, some outdoor activity and try and stick to a regular routine for about three months. Alter it slightly every two to three weeks to include stuff you’ve never tried before. A spin class, running, swimming, yoga? Now’s your chance!

Training without goals

What do you want to achieve in a month? In three? A year? Many don’t know. If you’ve never given this some serious thought, then now’s the time to do it. I mean, it’s great to go on a diet or detox for a while to lose some weight or to find a trusty ‘Lose Your Beer Belly in 3 Weeks’ programme that works for you but what’s the point if you keep falling back to old habits and repeat the same thing next year? To sustain a healthy lifestyle and make lasting changes, your goals need to be clearly set out – short term as well as long.

You can’t stand your workout

I have a few friends who are thrilled by the prospect of their next workout but me, not so much. To be fair, it’s more because I’m lazy about getting up and going than anything else. Once I’m sweating it out and feeling the burn, I love it. If however, going to the gym is a mind-numbing chore and you’re cursing from start to finish, you may be setting yourself up to fail and excuses will creep in more often. If your workout bores you, look for something more up your alley to stay active. Don’t go swimming if you can’t stand the water. Love to dance? Try a Zumba class. A workout buddy could also help motivate you and partnering up could make it more fun for you.

You’re a copy cat

I get it. You want to look like your favourite super-fit blogger, or the toned 30-something with the great abs who always kills their reps at your gym, so you just do what they do, right? No. If you’re doing this stop. We’re all built different and what works for them won’t automatically work for you, remember that. Personalise a plan preferably with the help of a professional if you want to see results.

“I just need work here, everywhere else is OK”

Yup, I’m talking about target-training. Guys, guilty of focusing just on your guns? If the number of squat-related exercises I see nowadays are anything to go by, the ladies are just as guilty. Truth is you need to work out more than just the body parts you see in the mirror. Incorporate a whole range of exercises and movements to your routine and you’ll be sure to see improvements somewhere. It beats obsessing about the one body part.

Rehydrating with sports drinks

For one simple reason: You don’t need them. Water is always better option to energy drinks. If you need some flavour, a squeeze of lemon will do. Trust me, you’re better off weaning yourself sooner rather than later.