By Caroline Nyanga

Pulse: What’s the naughtiest thing you ever did?

Kanda King: At about the age of ten my friends and I had a habit of playing with pressure pipes, as it was fun spraying water at each other. At some point during one of our games I purposely sprayed a friend on his behind. He screamed na ikabidi aenda choo saa hiyo as the rest of the boys laughed their heads off. However, my mother was informed of the incident and I recieved a good thrashing.

P: You look like you had a lot on your mind when the before picture was taken?

KK: Yup! I was actually thinking about dancing — but after eating some good food.

P: Were you the naughty type?

KK: Not really. I was very disciplined as long as I was well fed. I also spent lots of time alone in the bush nikiwinda madush (hunting doves) using my catapult yaani feya I even used to miss lunch.

P: What’s craziest thing you ever did?

KK: I had a dog, which I used to dress in a short, shirt and a cap. I would often put some coins in the shorts pocket so that whenever it decided to run he would end up making noise hence attracting attention. People within the estate laughed at my actions and called me crazy boy.

P: How did you make your first shilling?

KK: I used to attend family shows by the Vitimbi crew of Mzee Ojwang’ and Mama Kayai accompanied by my parents.

During the event I would participate in children competition and end up winning. Besides, most parents used to reward me lots of money which I used to hide under my bed when I got home.

P: What’s the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?

KK: Well, as a child I had countless embarrassing moments. But then as a dancer there was this time on stage when suddenly the cheers were louder than usual leaving me wondering! I later realised the fans were laughing at me because my fly was open.

P: Describe your personality?

KK: I am one cool guy who loves cracking jokes. I also love kids and I pray a lot. Besides I am hard working, hopeful and try hard to stay away from any kind of trouble.

P: What’s the most memorable thing your parents ever did for you?

KK: The fact that they were always there for me while growing up. And more so by being supportive of my dancing career from the word go. Buying me costumes and attending my shows.

P: Where did you grow up?

KK: I grew up in a place called Quarry just behind Doonholm Estate where they make ballasts and sand.

P: Did you have a nickname?

KK: My friends called me Sachah for reasons best known to themselves.

P: Describe your first kiss?

KK: It was not good. My girlfriend had just eaten Pilau and kachumbari so the taste of garlic was still in her mouth — and I didn’t like it at all. I was forced to buy her some gum before going for a second round.

P: Were you a teacher’s pet?

KK: Not all, In fact I was notorious for noise making in class and this landed me in trouble. It also made me hate my teachers a lot.

P: What don’t people know about you?

KK: That I am a good footballer, comedian and actor as well as a family man.