Senate Deputy Speaker and Meru Senator Kathuri Murungi during the second day of sitting by the Senate to hear charges on the proposed removal of Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza from office by impeachment on December 28, 2022. [ Elvis Ogina ,Standard]

Narok Senator Ledama ole Kina has accused Senate Deputy Speaker Kathuri Murungi of violating standing orders over Azimio's pronouncement on the Senate Minority Whip's position.

Ledama, who had been chosen to take over from Isiolo Senator Fatuma Dullo, told the House that the Political Parties Dispute Tribunal (PPDT) will not decide on a Whip for the minority side.

The Narok Senator said a Whip serves the party/coalition's interests and if one's loyalty is in doubt they cannot hold such a position.

"Loyalty to parties is not something to be taken for granted, we should be debating important national issues and not a political party out to put its house in order. We should be discussing the high cost of living and other challenges facing Kenyans," said Ledama.

Ledama who had been appointed to take over as Minority Chief Whip, said the tribunal does not set the agenda of the political party and procedures and that as Whip, he served at the pleasure of his party.

He said in the last Parliament he was elected as chairperson of the Senate Public Accounts Committee but his party said he was not going to serve in that position. He had to seek forgiveness from his party leader for crossing the line.

Ledama said a whip loses that position when they fail to implement the party position and beseeched the speaker to allow Azimio's decision on the matter to prevail.

Murungi said he had been served with an order from the Political Parties Disputes Tribunal over the change of leadership pending inter partes hearings and that the House is stopped from removing Dullo with the matter coming up for hearing on Tuesday next week. "Respect for the rule of law is important and I therefore put aside the communication on this matter pending hearing of the matter by Political Parties Disputes Tribunal," said Murungi.

He cautioned senators against forcing him to make a decision saying a verdict would be given after PPDT completes its hearings.

Senate Minority Leader Stewart Madzayo said they had not been served with the order by PPDT and that the speaker might know of standing orders but cannot ignore precedence set before the House in dealing with such matters.

Madzayo said former Senator Kipchumba Murkomen was removed as Majority Leader in the last Parliament and replaced with Samuel Poghisio while Kihika Kimani was removed as Majority Whip and replaced by Irungu Kangata and later Kimani Wamatangi.