By Muhando G,

Sondu,Kenya:With the elections far behind us and a new elected government in place, Kenyans need to forget the excitement and agony that followed the 2013 elections and forge ahead with life. It is only by doing so that development will be achieved. President Uhuru Kenyatta has on many occasions reminded us that elections are over and urged us to embark on  nation building. He and his deputy in the spirit of ‘Kusema na Kutenda’ need to lead the way in rallying Kenyans towards that development.

 As they do that, they must be alive to the fact that Kenyans are watching how they handle some pertinent issues. One such is the treatment they give former Prime Minister and former Vice-President. It is worrying to hear that other countries accord Raila Odinga VIP treatment when he visits while at home we like to treat him like a villain. The two senior politicians have made an indelible mark in our politics. Besides, when they were in power, they treated retired leaders with decorum and even shielded them from ridicule.

                                   {Muhando G, Sondu}