Nyeri town is reportedly teeming with activity as Christian faithful prepare for the beatification of Italian nun Irene Stefani, known to locals as "Nyaatha" due to her compassionate ways.

The latest addition to the long list of professionals finding their way to Nyeri, however, is quite curious: hordes of streetwalkers who have travelled from different parts of the country to get a piece of the action.

The action they have in mind isn't quite clear yet, but Press reports indicate many are persuaded that no man, no matter how devout, can live without a woman, however temporarily. So the street women are going to make themselves available.

It is not clear either how they are going to interact since it is unlikely that the visitors, estimated at the last count at about 300,000, will end up in pubs where such women ordinarily stake out.

Neither are the street walkers likely to make it to the places of worship in the kind of dressing that announces their business, as well as less than honourable intent.

No matter, humans have strange ways of communicating and communing, so those making their way to Nyeri must have a pretty good idea how to conduct their business and do so profitably.

Do I wish them luck? Maybe or maybe not...