A new TV series to pick the next Chief Justice premiered this month and it’s expected to run for a few more days. I wish we’d extend the same to those running for elective office. Given the baggage that Kenyans have to bear every five years, this would rid us of countless charlatans, potential murderers, land-grabbers, extortionists and mannerless men and women.

I believe these are attributes that we’d discern at the interview level. For starters, few would pass a polygraph, because they lie through and through.

If tasked to explain why they were running for office, almost all would have trouble explaining their motivation for joining in the fray. And many would have trouble comprehending basic leadership principles.

It is not surprising, therefore, that many are unable to mouth the word “conscientious,” as we have witnessed in past swearing-ins. This is not just because they did not attend good schools; many did not attend school at all. The numerous cases of those caught using forged certificates attest to that.

I’m not saying those screened for jobs at the Judiciary fare any better, but at least most can mouth the word “conscientious,” and most generally appear to have gone to school. Not bad at all…