Migori town residents flock to the scene of the accident on April 8, 2023. [Caleb Kingwara, Standard]

The death toll in the Migori truck accident has risen to nine after one of the accident victims died while receiving treatment at the Migori County Referral Hospital.

While confirming the death toll, Suna West Sub-County Police Commander Elizabeth Walukoba said that eight people were receiving treatment in the hospital.

Among the dead is a woman who had been thrown into River Migori by impact when the truck which was transporting rice from Nairobi to Isebania lost its brakes, hitting her and a minor at the Migori bridge.

Currently, police have launched a search for the minor's body.

The teenager who is said to have been selling coffee was thrown into the river by impact after he was hit by the truck.

This was before the truck that was carrying bags of rice plunged into pedestrians and boda boda riders who had parked by the roadside along the Migori - Isebania road.

"The truck's brakes failed when he reached Kakrao center which is three kilometers from the accident scene," Ms. Walukoba said.

The vehicle is said to have had a mechanical problem and had been serviced in Kisii County.

According to Walukoba, the driver freewheeling the vehicle could have caused the break failure but they are investigating the matter.

Migori Governor Ochilo Ayacko, while condoling with the families who had lost their loved ones said they would help foot part of the hospital bill.

He also said they would help meet burial expenses and mortuary bills for the departed souls.

The driver of the ill-fated truck sustained serious injuries to the head and is recuperating in the Intensive care unit (ICU).

"Our drivers need to be very cautious as they drive knowing that their lives and other people matter," he said.

Two tractors and three motorcycles were also damaged in the incident. The truck was towed to Migori Police Station.