Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka. [Denish Ochieng, Standard]

Wiper Democratic Movement Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka has accepted the Supreme Court ruling that upheld President-elect William Ruto's win.

Kalonzo said that even though he did not agree with the top court's decision, he respected it.

"Following the decision of the Supreme Court on the presidential election held on August 9, 2022, I would like to state that even though I do not agree with the findings, I respect the decision of the court," he said.

He also said that it was "disturbing" that the country's highest court would deem evidence and issues presented before it as being fabrications.

"The course for justice and the fight for democracy in our nation remains a continuous journey and process. It is absurd and indeed disturbing that core evidence and pertinent issues raised by our lawyers as to the handling of elections have been rubbished and deemed fabricated by the Supreme Court," he added.

In the statement, Kalonzo added that despite the ruling, the fight for free and fair elections was not over.

"This is a sad day for many Kenyans but it does not mean that the fight for a free and fair election is over, Kenyans are resilient people and, although divided right in the middle, owing to the tight contest, by God's grace, we shall prevail," he said.

In a unanimous ruling, the Supreme Court's seven-judge bench upheld William Ruto's win in the August 9, 2022, general election.

Ruto won garnered 50.49 per cent of the votes against Azimio La Umoja's Raila Odinga, who got 48.85 per cent of the valid votes.