EACC investigators are still pursuing two county officials who are still at large. [Courtesy]

Ethics and Ant- Corruption Commission (EACC) detectives have arrested five Homa Bay County officials over embezzlement of Sh26, 872, 278 in MCA allowances.

The five county officials were arrested Thursday following DPP Noordin Haji's directive and are currently being held at the Homa Bay Police Station.

The five are among the seven officials that the DPP had called for their arrest saying they lost the money through  fictitious procurement of hotel services and fraudulent payment of MCA allowances for the financial years 2014/15 and 2016/17.

In a statement, the EACC said the seven suspects will be charged with conspiracy to commit an offence of corruption, unlawful acquisition of public property, abuse of office, breach of trust and fraudulent payment of public revenue.

Those arrested are,

1.       Caroline Sang – Principal Finance Officer

2.       Edwin Omondi Okollo- Senior Accounts Controller

3.       Micahel Owino Ooro – Former Assembly Majority Leader

4.       Judith Akinyi Omongi – Currently nominated Member of County Assembly and former County Assembly Board Member

5.       Isaac Ouso Nyandege – Former Assembly Minority leader

EACC further said that their investigators were still pursuing two suspects who were still at large.

The two are County Assembly clerk Otieno Bob Kephas and Senior Accountant Maurice Odiwour Amek.

The seven will be charged in the Anti-Corruption Court of Homa Bay on August 17, 2018.

The arrest comes hours after DPP Noordin Haji  released a statement to the newsroom listing the names of the seven suspects.

"I have reviewed the file and I am satisfied the persons named herein actively participated in the perpetration of the alleged activities and should therefore be charged and prosecuted," said the DPP.