Text message shows Maina could have feared for his life as a police officer is accused of killing him


Slain Kitui Deputy CID boss Zebedeo Maina could have feared for his life.

This emerged as investigations into the killing of the former head of the dreaded Kwekwe Squad were concluded with the report pointing a finger at a fellow police officer.

His colleagues revealed that Maina had sent them text messages that suggested he anticipated his death.

He had sent a message to one of them reading: “Every successful person has a painful story and to every painful story there is successful ending. No one has travelled a road of success without crossing the street of failure. God has never promised us an easy journey in life. No gain without pain. Wish you a blessed day.”

Police handling the probe into his death now plan to send their report, to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP).

The report says Maina was shot in the back near the buttocks.


Deputy Director of Police Reforms King’ori Mwangi, Head of Investigations at CID headquarters Mohamed Amin and Head of Operations Francis Njiru conducted the investigations.  They interrogated a number of witnesses and police officers.

Two people who had been arrested over the shooting incident have since been released.

“It is clear that even though he denies it, the killer’s bullet was fired by one of the officers who were at the scene,” conclude the officers in their report.

The shooting has been described as a misadventure. A number of recommendations have been made to the DPP who will in the end determine if any of those named will be charged, officials said.

A test on the guns show one of them and that of Maina are the only ones that fired at the scene. Maina shot once in the air.

Maina, who led the controversial police squad at the height of a Mungiki crack-down, was shot under mysterious circumstances in Kitui town.

Unresolved deaths

He was shot as he led a team of officers to rescue a five-and-half-year-old girl in Kitui town on August 3. The girl had been kidnapped from Nairobi.

Maina joins a list of at least five other officers of the squad who have mysteriously died in the past few years. Their deaths remain unresolved.

But even in death, the mere mention of Maina’s name triggers shivers in the underworld.

He was one of the most ruthless undercover officers of his time, feared by criminals and colleagues alike.

“He was a law unto himself and even we feared him because he would not compromise with a suspect,” said a senior officer who knew him.