Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko

Members of the County Assembly have demanded action against City Inspectorate staff involved in what they said was a brutal crackdown on hawkers.

Through a motion, the ward reps want to form a committee to reform and supervise the inspectorate's activities.

If implemented, the committee is expected to review policies and institutional structures of the inspectorate and recommend comprehensive reforms.

“The City Inspectorate staff have developed a poor attitude characterised by frequent violent confrontations between them and the business community, resulting in a lack of trust from the public,” said Jayendra Malde, who moved the motion.

Mr Malde acknowledged that the department's operations were marred by challenges such as under-staffing, inadequate facilities, poor health and insecurity of personnel.

Past efforts

The MCAs argued that despite past efforts, including the consideration and passage of the Nairobi City County Inspectorate Services Act 2017, not much had changed due to lack of implementation of the reform proposals.

The proposed task force will consist of the county secretary as chairperson, the chairperson of the County Public Service Board, two nominees from the County Public Service Management Department, one from the office of the Inspector General of Police and two from the office of the County Attorney.

It will also include one nominee from the Department of Finance and Economic Planning, a security consultant and two nominees from business associations in Nairobi.

But City Inspectorate Director of Operations Peter Mbaya defended his department.

“For the last 30 years, Nairobi had been left to rot. It is only after Governor (Mike) Sonko came in that we are seeing change," he said.