Dallas Hall, meeting and Gym venue at Muthurwa. June 14, 2017. [PHOTO: JONAH ONYANGO/STANDARD]

A few years ago, Muthurwa Dallas Hall was famed for producing some of the country's top boxers.

Most of these boxers formed a larger part of the national boxing team to international tournaments where they excelled every time they got a chance to represent the country.

It is noteworthy that in 1986, the first Olympic Gold Medal in boxing came through Robert Modest Wangila Napunyi, who resided within the estate and regularly trained at the facility. However, years of neglect has left the hall in total disrepair and denied potential international boxers a place to hone their skills.

Jubilee candidate for Nairobi governorship race, Mike Sonko, has promised that his administration will place a big premium on renovation of sports facilities in the county, including the famed Dallas.

Glorious 1980s

"In the 1980's our national teams like Harambee Stars dominated the region because we had good facilities from where players honed their skills. They had somewhere to train to become better. However, due to neglect this is not the case anymore and we are seeing the impact at the national level," he said during an interview with the Metropolitan.

Other boxing greats that emerged from Dallas and brought glory to the country in the 1980s Commonwealth Champions were Steve Muchoki (Dessty) Gold Medalist, Mike Irungu (Stone) Common Wealth Bantam weight-Gold Medalist and Michael Mutua (Spinks) among others.

"We must get back there and I promise to renovate all the neglected facilities like City Stadium," he added.

Sonko also said he would prioritise the establishment of academies in all the wards in Nairobi County.

"For us to develop we must focus on empowering the youth. In this regard, we will establish youth academies where talented players will have an opportunity to showcase their talent and where clubs can go to get talent," he explained.

And to make sports paying for those who opt to be involved in it full time, Sonko said such sportsmen and women would be empowered.

Right now the social hall is used for church ceremonies and other meetings. The Muthurwa community uses the facility at a charge of about Sh5,000.

In 2006, the county government relocated public service vehicles to Muthurwa spelling the death of the iconic hall.

The sad story of Dallas is repeated in various parts of Nairobi.
