We knew this day would come but we as usual buried our heads in the sand and now here we are confronted by horny teenagers.

According to some research, some teenagers want the powers to obtain and use condoms. The rest of us who fall outside this bracket and crying foul and are petrified that this young group of people should be allowed to venture into the world wanting to have lots of protected sex.

Based on comments I saw online, we are all waxing lyrical and hiding behind the convenient view of religion and morality to deal with the issue. In my view, we knew that this day would come but we as usual buried our heads in the sand and now here we are confronted by horny teenagers raring to try off their newly acquired sexual bodies.

Let’s for a minute ponder about how we raise our children these days. From day one, babies are fed a constant diet of TV with all the trappings of MTV and Trace. Even before they can form complete sentences, our tots are experts on Beyoncé’s twerks and have started the journey into the world of nudity and sensuality is plastered all over the screens. When they are not watching TV, they are listening to radio stations that forever play sexually laced songs such as Kamatia Chini. Even before today’s children can master their A-B-C, they are learning that there is some magic world of pleasure that rests below the waist.

Little dresses

We have globalisation to thank for the fact that we can now access the best and latest in fashion trends. Since we love our children so much and are so determined to show off our status we demand nothing but the best for our tots. This includes decking small little girls in sexy little dresses almost always inspired by what Kim Kardashian is wearing and better still plastering them with lip gloss so that they can pucker and pout for the cameras.

To complete the picture of success, we like to take our children for family outings where we gleefully clap as our juniors exhibit their gyrating and twerking skills in dancing competitions. We are excited and pleased ourselves when our children are saluted for their winning skills forgetting the obvious fact that we have sexed up our children and it is only a matter of time before they want to explore what lies beyond the dances.

Let us also remember that the teenagers of today are not like the teenagers of yesterdays. This is the pizza and sausage generation not the ngwaci and uji generation that we were. Thanks to better and richer diets, children nowadays blossom earlier – femininity and masculinity shows up way earlier than in our days.

We may try to deny it but sex is a natural instinct and as we ourselves – once the hormones and the desires kick in we can do very irrational things. So I do not understand why we are shocked that our teens want access to condoms. We ourselves have planted the seeds in their innocent bodies and mind and now it is payback time. Maybe it is time we pull the morality blinkers and talk to our teens and tell them that sex as magical as it sounds is often overrated and often a poisoned chalice.