Tea farms

Governor Isaac Ruto has accused senior Jubilee leaders of angling to grab land leased to multinational tea companies.

Mr Ruto claimed the leaders from Rift Valley have begun placing themselves strategically by constructing a multi-billion-shilling factory in South Rift region.

"The politicians have mooted a scheme to further exploit tea farmers and it is being implemented quietly. The clique is now busy constructing a multi-billion-shilling tea factory and is purchasing shares in multinational tea companies with the aim of eventually taking over the pieces of land on lease to multinational tea companies," he said.

He made the remarks at Momoniat Primary School in Kipkelion East Constituency, where he took his Chama Cha Mashinani (CCM) campaign. The governor also presided over a fundraising for the construction of a borehole at the school.

Mr Ruto also said he will not relent on criticising the Jubilee government leaders, noting President Kenyatta and Deputy President William Ruto were his age mates.