Building a great business with great people that delights our customers keeps me motivated. Our vision is to make customers smile. We know that our business impacts people’s lives significantly, from the boda boda operator to the big corporate customer. We strive to keep customers happy in every street, every town. We believe that to achieve our corporate obligations, we must have disciplined people, disciplined thought, disciplined communication, disciplined action and disciplined performance!

Covid-19 has challenged the world enormously. The impact ranges from economic to social. Oil traded in negative territory for the first time in history. Businesses are reporting losses across the board and employment levels are falling like never seen before. It has taken a toll on people psychologically as well, and thus there is need for both economic and psychological support. We all need to support each other and get through this as well as we can. It, however, has brought up an opportunity to reassess our lives and what is important. It also provides an opportunity to operate more productively be it in government, corporates or family. There is a saying that we should never waste a crisis, and I hope we can exit this one as a more caring world and society.

I am in charge of directing high level strategy and managing relationships, be it with investors, customers, suppliers or employees. I also work with the team so that strategy is executed successfully.

A successful chief executive must be on top of every aspect of the business from sales, finance, marketing and legal, among others. I have an inclusive leadership style. I try and promote people from within and provide support and tools for them to succeed in achieving their objectives. I encourage everyone to do the ‘right thing, right now’ and to grow themselves to allow this. It’s a continuous process, for me as well. I also communicate as proactively and positively as possible to keep everyone informed and on the same page – particularly when the going is tough.

I do my best to be as good a person as possible – be it as a son, father, husband, friend, co-worker, etc. In this respect my conscience is clear. From a business perspective, I became the managing director of Car & General in 1996 and oversaw a complete restructuring of the company’s revenue base, gradually introducing new product lines. I have seen the company become really regional with representation in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Seychelles, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, and Somalia. I have also seen the company expand its franchise representation. Car & General has also reasonably diversified – with real estate in Kenya and poultry in Tanzania. The company has won a number of awards in past years and also received Kenya Revenue Authority’s distinguished taxpayer award in the motorcycle registration category. These are some of my proudest accomplishments.

Mentorship is key. That’s the best career advice I’ve ever received. Mentorship aspires to generate better leaders which benefits the whole universe and makes us better people. The better we are, the better we perform. And if you are stuck in a career rut, don’t be afraid to explore. There is a quote I like that says, “Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.”  

Outside work, I am a family man and love being at home. I also cherish good friendships. I sit on several boards that keep me busy, inspired and educated. I am a member of YPO, a global leadership community, whose membership comprises entrepreneurs, family business operators and professional managers. I am currently a mentorship officer at YPO. I also exercise, golf, play bridge and read to remain informed.

One great book I read recently that stands out is Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don’t by James C. Collins. I also enjoy reading the Financial Times, which gives me a global update.

Self-care is important to me. I exercise, eat healthy and maintain positivity. I also follow regulations laid down by World Health Organisation and the Ministry of Health – washing hands and sanitising regularly, social-distancing, working from home, etc. In the evening, I like to watch sports or read – this quietens my mental frame and allows me to sleep easily.

 My morning routine includes meditation, yoga, gratitude and prayer. It may also include a gym session depending on my schedule. I like to start my day in a positive frame of mind which allows to me to be more productive. I have porridge for breakfast which provides slow burning energy for the long mornings ahead. My routine is the same except I work from home. All measures established to fight the Covid-19 pandemic has affected everyone’s routine from working to shopping, social interactions to family behaviour. Apart from working from home, I have also set up a mini-gym. I have more time and do not consider myself less productive. I do however miss the personal interactions which I consider essential to building relationships and culture.

Vijay Gidoomal, Chief Executive Officer at Car & General on life at the top and what motivates him