A carnivorous plant displays what looks like plant intelligence to outwit its insect prey, scientists have learned.

The pitcher plant disables its traps for hours on end to fox the ants it feeds on and lure them into a false sense of security.

Scout ants pass the word back to their nests that a bountiful source of sweet nectar is available, deep inside the plant's funnel-like "pitcher".

With a large number of worker ants taking the bait, the plant finally springs its trap. The insects lose their grip on the slippery edge of the pitcher and slide to their doom.

In this way, pitchers capture large batches of ants at a time instead of making do with measly meals of ant scouts.

Dr Ulrike Bauer, from the University of Bristol - who conducted the research in Borneo, said: "Ants are social insects. Individual scout ants search the surroundings of the nest for profitable food sources.

"When they find a pitcher trap full of sweet nectar, they go back to the colony and recruit many more ant workers.

"However, a trap that is super-slippery all the time will capture most of these scout ants and cut off its own prey supply."

The scientists carried out experiments in which pitcher plant surfaces were kept artificially wet all the time. They found that wetted plants no longer captured large numbers of ants.

Dr Bauer added: "The plant's key trapping surface is extremely slippery when wet, but not when dry. For up to eight hours during dry days, these traps are 'switched off' and do not capture any of their insect visitors.

"At first sight, this is puzzling because natural selection should favour traps that catch as many insects as possible.

"By 'switching off' their traps for part of the day, pitcher plants ensure that scout ants can return safely to the colony and recruit nest-mates to the trap. Later, when the pitcher becomes wet, these followers get caught in one sweep.

"What looks like a disadvantage at first sight, turns out to be a clever strategy to exploit the recruitment behaviour of social insects."

The findings are published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

-The Mirror