CMB Prezzo

Kenyan rapper Jackson Makini alias CMB Prezzo was Saturday night arrested and held at Embakasi police station for allegedly causing disturbance at a City estate.

Prezzo who was arrested for threatening residents of Nyayo Embakasi in Nairobi was however released on Sunday evening 5pm.

He was attending a private party at the estate before leaving at about 9 pm.

A resident, Robert Alai said when Prezzo walked out of the house where the party was being held, he did not find his car.

"He became rowdy and tried to force one of the residents there to take him home but he was arrested and handed to police," said Alai.

Meanwhile, a former Chief of Staff at Isiolo County Government Abdikadir Suleiman has claimed the county First Lady Madina Doyo had threatened him.

Suleiman recorded his statement at the Directorate of Criminal Investigation headquarters in Nairobi via CID/C/GEN/Comp/6/11/2016/711.

Police say they would investigate the claims and take necessary action. It is not clear how and why the two were engaged in altercation that led to the said threats.

Elsewhere, police are looking for a gang that raided an office apartment in Kilimani area and robbed the occupants of unknown amount of money on Saturday.

No one was injured in the attack that police suspect was orchestrated with the help of insiders at the firm owned by a Chinese businessman. Police say the attackers escaped soon after the incident.

Along Ngong Road, Nairobi, a woman was shot and wounded in a robbery incident on Saturday night.

The woman is said to have tried to resist the move by a gang of three prompting the shooting. The attackers escaped on foot after robbing her of unknown amount of money.