Despite the hardline stance taken by Bomet Governor Isaac Ruto, who rejected the 2015/2016 Appropriation Bill passed by the County Assembly because of the development vote, it has emerged that the Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA) and Controller of Budget gave the assembly a nod on the expenditure.

In correspondence in our possession, County Assembly Speaker Geoffrey Kipng’etich wrote to CRA chairman Micah Cheserem on July 7 seeking clarification on the matter that led to the rejection of the budget by the governor.

“The Bomet County Assembly in the MTEF Budget 2015/16-2017/18 and annual budget for the year ending June 30, 2016 approved a budget with a development vote to construct the county assembly chamber, assembly’s committee rooms, assembly’s residential buildings and perimeter wall bringing the total vote for development to Sh113,253,559.00. I am seeking your clarification on whether the executive is justified in holding that the assembly should never undertake any development at all,” reads the letter from the Speaker to Cheserem.

On July 29, Cheserem replied to the Speaker, telling him the county assembly was allowed to implement development projects they had included in the budget. Cheserem said he had separately met the governor over the issue and resolved that the cost of the construction of the assembly was reasonable and should go ahead.

“Following a meeting with you and separately with Governor Ruto, we all agreed that your proposed assembly development budget of Sh113 million was not unreasonable when compared with development budgets of other county assemblies,” said Cheserem in the letter.

Controller of Budget Agnes Odhiambo, who the assembly had also sought opinion on the issue, said the assembly was within its mandate to factor in the construction of its chambers. “...the county assembly can only undertake infrastructural projects that do not fall within the mandate of the county executive. In this regard, we confirm that the county assembly can implement the project as it falls within the mandate,” reads the letter dated July 8.

Governor Ruto has rejected the Appropriation Bill and returned it to the assembly with a memorandum because of the disagreement over the development vote.