By Esther Muchene

Nothing beats the excitement of looking for that perfect venue to host your wedding. An appropriate location is crucial as it helps set the mood for the wedding and bring out the theme.

Here are a few locations one can consider:

• Indoor weddings

Should you want a romantic ballroom kind of wedding, you can opt for most major hotels, which often have beautiful ballrooms. The lighting and art dÈcor will work perfectly to give your wedding a retro feel.

Otherwise, identify the elements you want to see in your wedding and those that complement your vision and find an indoor location that matches that, be it a hall or restaurant.

• Lakeside wedding

For those who want something different besides a garden, you may opt for scenic views such as lakes and man-made dams. Examples of such venues within Nairobi include the Windsor Golf and Country Club or the Kigwa Garden.

If you have no fear of water, you can say your vows on a boat-like raft as it floats away at the Evergreen Park and Garden, which has a terraced site overlooking a dam. Another lakeside venue would be the Paradise Lost gardens in Kiambu.

Outside Nairobi, one may consider Lake Naivasha Country Club, with its stunning view of the lake from the top of the escarpment. Otherwise, approach a trusted tour agent for a hotel that has magnificent lake views.

• Gardens/parks

There are plenty of places to choose from. These include hotels with beautiful gardens and private or public gardens and parks. Nairobi has these in abundance.

For nature lovers, the ‘private’ section in the Arboretum with its tall trees and curious monkeys, or the Nairobi National Park are some venues to consider.

Besides these, you may opt for a friend’s front or backyard. Up-market neighbourhoods such as Loresho, Runda and Karen have plenty of these. Nothing beats the privacy and, who knows, it may be free.

• Beach weddings

Beach lovers may opt for any good hotel at the Coast. There is plenty to choose from.

• Art galleries and museums

For art lovers, you may consider getting married at one of the indoor or outdoor facilities offered at the National Museums of Kenya or at the Karen Blixen Museum. These places will give your guests a host of many items to keep them busy and entertained, from artwork to history and crafts.

• Budget weddings

If on a tight budget, there are plenty of places to choose from. Examples include Loreto Convent Valley Road, Westminster Events-Thomas Barnados Home, St Christopher’s, College of Insurance in South C, Kenya School of Law, Hillcrest and Banda School among many others.

Make sure to take care of details such as security especially in those venues that cater for several weddings at a time. Parking should also be another factor to look into. Also, remember to ask the management of the venue whether a Nema license will be necessary and whose responsibility it is to get it and at how much.

When looking for a venue:

1. Have a picture of how the whole wedding should look like to make the search easier.

2. Have a list of the things you want; such as parking space, security, kitchen or bathrooms.

3. Consider hiring a wedding planner who will help you get a venue with your preferences and within your budget.

3. Talk to a tours and travel company for great locations outside Nairobi or Kenya.

— The writer is a certified wedding planner.