Kelvin Muasya weds the love of his life. 

Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka’s son, Kelvin Muasya, has finally been pulled off the market by a dashing beauty named Sharon Nthoki who is the County Executive Committee (CEC) member for Trade, Industry, Tourism and Innovation at the Machakos County Government.

Muasya wedded the love of his life on Saturday at a traditional wedding held at Maanzoni Lodge, Machakos County, in an event that was attended by several Azimio leaders, including Raila Odinga.

Like any proud father, Kalonzo was over the moon as his second born son gave him a daughter-in-law.

Quoting the Bible, the former Vice President described the bride as a perfect rib, saying it is God’s plan that a man should find a wife and settle down.

“Then the Lord God said, ‘It is not good that a man should be alone. I will make him a helper fit for him,” Kalonzo said, quoting from the book of Genesis 2, verse 18.

“Today, my son has married his ‘rib’ and God’s appointed helper,” he said.

Sadly, missing at the event was the groom’s mother, Pauline, who has been ailing. Kalonzo told the gathering that his wife, who is in India, was watching her son’s wedding through a live feed.

The wedding entrance at Maanzoni Lodge had such a vibe with the bride and groom leading the guests to the dance floor. Raila, Kalonzo, Machakos Governor Wavinya Ndeti, her Makueni counterpart Mutula Kilonzo Jnr and former Cabinet Secretary Eugene Wamalwa also made a beeline for the dance floor where they regaled in the celebratory atmosphere.

Raila, the ODM party leader, said he was proud of the traditional wedding and encouraged Kenyans to remain true to their culture while referencing the Kiswahili saying “mwacha mila ni mtumwa’’.

“I am very proud to witness this wedding. And I am also proud of my brother and our colleague Stephen (Kalonzo). We should not discard our culture and traditions, instead we should be part of them,” the former prime minister said.

The ceremony was attended by several political  leaders.

Other leaders who attended the event were Kitui Senator Enoch Wambua, Kitui Woman Rep Irene Kasalu, Jubilee party Secretary General Jeremiah Kioni, former Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya and Machakos Deputy Governor Francis Mwangangi. Kalonzo’s other children, Kennedy, Klein and Damarie Musenya, were also present. The bridegroom had earlier in the day performed the traditional rites of dowry payment (known as ntheo) at his in-laws’ home at Kangundo West, in Machakos.

Muasya was thrust in public limelight in 2022 when he announced his political ambitions and made a debut in Kitui County where he became a sensation of sorts owing to his father’s name.

But along the way, his ambitions put him in a collision course with his father, according to insiders who interacted with him.

It was claimed that at one time, Muasya stormed out of a family meeting after he was reportedly told that his ambitions were headed nowhere.

The newly wed couple in town.

During that 2022 General Election, former Mutitu MP Kiema Kilonzo picked Muasya as his running mate for Kitui’s gubernatorial seat, hopping to bag the Wiper party ticket without breaking a sweat.

Many felt that this was a clever trick by Kilonzo to wrestle the party ticket from the then ex-Governor Julius Malombe who had also declared his intentions to run on a Wiper ticket.

With Muasya tightly in his corner, Kilonzo would occasionally fly choppers to his village home in the company of Muasya and his elder brother Kennedy (currently EALA MP).

The politician exuded confidence of bagging the Wiper ticket and repeatedly urged Malombe to decamp to another party.

However, Malombe stayed put in Wiper and dared Kilonzo and his running mate to a free and fair party nomination exercise.

When the Wiper primaries were finally called, Malombe triumphed, while Kilonzo and his running mate walked home limping, after garnering only a handful of votes.

Malombe went on to recapture the governor’s seat, which he had lost to Charity Ngilu in the 2017 election. Curiously, Kilonzo did not attend Muasya’s wedding on Saturday.