Bullies will be expelled while teachers who condone the vice will be charged in the ongoing crackdown on bullying in secondary schools.

The Ministry of Education is set to carry out an audit on schools across the country in a bid to curb harassment of students.

"We will then take action, based on findings of the survey, to ensure bullying in secondary schools is completely done away with," said Mr Robert Masese, the director of secondary and tertiary education at the ministry, who spoke at Alliance High School.

This comes in the wake of shocking revelations of bullying at the top school where junior students have reportedly suffered at the hands of their senior colleagues.

The victims were forced out of their dormitories in the dead of the night, and made to crawl in the field or sleep on the graves of the the school's founders of.

"We have been receiving reports of bullying that manifest in various forms in our schools. We will soon audit all schools then take all the necessary steps to eradicate the vice and ensure our children learn in a safe environment," said Masese who represented Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang'i during the school's 91st anniversary celebrations.

He urged parents to inculcate good moral in their children. "This will help them withstand peer influence from the few wayward ones," said Masese.

Head of the Anglican Church of Kenya, Archbishop Jackson ole Sapit, called on stakeholders to save the school.

"This school started by training our forefathers who later took over the reins of our country. It has been the pacesetter and we must ensure it continues doing so," Ole Sapit said.

He added: "May be this happened so that after 91 years, we can craft another vision for the school to make it even greater. We want an institution where the dreams of our children, our nation, Africa and the world are realised, not crushed."

Board of Management vice chairman Sam Ncheeri said: "We apologise to parents whose sons were bullied, to the old boys who have been embarrassed by what they have heard and the entire nation which has looked up to the school as a pillar and leader of excellence."