Meru Senator Mithika Linturi.

Senator Mithika Linturi will on Wednesday address the county assembly for the first time since he was elected.

Linturi (pictured) made the formal request to Speaker Joseph Kaberia to deliver the address during the afternoon sitting.

“The senator has formally requested to address the Meru Assembly on Wednesday and it has been granted,” said Kaberia in a communication to MCAs.

He said standing orders allowed the governor and senators to address the assembly on official request.

Governor Kiraitu Murungi had promised to also deliver an address to the assembly, added Kaberia.

Maua MCA George Muthuri and Mitunguu's Evans Mawira said they were eagerly waiting for Linturi’s speech to hear what he has to say about important issues affecting the county.

The MCAs, like a section of their counterparts, expect Linturi to speak about financial accountability after the Auditor General raised queries on use of funds in several expenditures.

"We are eager to listen to him especially now that we have the Auditor General report for 2017-2018," said Mr Mawira.