Tourism CS Najib Balala. [Edward Kiplimo, Standard]

The Ministry of Tourism has maintained that the tourism sector shall remain robust during and after the August General Election.

Tourism Cabinet Secretary Najib Balala expressed optimism that the sector will be unaffected by the forthcoming polls.

“The election does not mean that we shut down the country. Kenya is open for business and ready for tourists to pay a visit,” said the CS.

Balala was speaking at the second Honorary Wardens Conference in Nairobi.

Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) has appointed a team of 342 honorary wardens who will assist in conservation efforts, resource mobilisation, and tourism promotion in the region.

The CS further pointed out that reserves such as the Masai Mara National Reserve were fully booked owing to the ongoing wildebeest migration that ends in August.

Balala also expressed confidence in the electoral commission's ability to conduct free elections and urged citizens to be responsible and ensure peace is upheld. 

According to KWS Director General John Waweru, the wildlife agency is banking on the wardens to bridge existing gaps in efforts to combat human-wildlife conflict.