China started the new year on a rather sad note with the outbreak of coronavirus.

The Chinese are pulling out all stops to deal with the outbreak and we wish them all the best.

As a member of the global community, occurrences in China affect humanity at large.

Theirs is the second-largest economy and thus everything from tourism to production to trade are feeling the heat.

Though the virus originated from China, it is not the only health challenge the global fraternity has faced.

A few years ago, Ebola ravaged some large areas in Africa.

With the outbreak, Africa must be prepared. We know firsthand how an outbreak can wreak havoc on our healthcare systems.

With the virus, as with other challenges, we can only play our part while supporting other countries to play theirs.

We are increasingly intertwined and globally dependent, and the mantra that "no man is an island" has never rung truer.

Let us not give way to racist behaviour and innuendo's against the Chinese community. Instead, let us focus on the disease, not the people.

Let us coordinate with China and the World Health Organisation to combat this global emergency.

As the wearers of the shoe, they know where it pinches most and we can only do our best to help them address it.

And as they tackle this challenge, let us learn a thing or two from them which might come in handy one day.

For instance, building a fully-fledged hospital in days was impressive, virus or no virus. From their massive response, it is clear that the Chinese will defeat the virus, but until they do, let us support them and desisit from treating them with suspicion.

This is what makes us a global family. 

Martha Oundo, Busia