Schools fail to grasp Big 4 Agenda, Vision 2030 for presentation

Most teachers’ training colleges failed to present items promoting the Big Four agenda at the Kenya National Music Festivals due to failure to grasp the topic.

Both St Jones Kilimambogo and St Lawrence Egoji made it to the nationals, but only the latter made a presentation.

St Lawrence Egoji TTC presented a special composition on the theme while St Jones Kilimambogo did not make a presentation.

In the Kenya Vision 2030 theme, Naona Mapya na Bado, the participants were expected to highlight life-changing projects that have been implemented and the key areas which the Big Four agenda can address.

According to Kenya Music Festival Executive Secretary Ruth Asega, the theme is fairly new and most schools might have failed to grasp the guidelines.

“Most of the schools seem not to have grasped the theme well because it is a newly-introduced topic,” Ms Asega said.

She said unlike other themes which were prepared during third term, the category came in late and attracted a few institutions.

“Partners usually come in by third term and by December Kenya Music Festival conducts a writers’ worship, and by January the themes are out. In this case, The Big Four came in late,” she added.

The judges observed that there was need for the colleges to read and understand the theme to boost their performances. Tujiajiri, a theme sponsored by a bank, attracted many competitors.