This is the first instinct of many if not all the students after joining campus. It is like a right of passage. One month into the hostels and it is done. Phones calls are made and money is sent for Njeri to move out.

Many, however, do not understand the implications of being in a hurry in this process and thus countless costly mistakes are made.There is a lot that one needs to consider when deciding to rent a place. Water, electricity, security, hygiene, neighbors, distance from school I mean it is a lot.. And in that state of excitement and defiance especially because everyone else is doing so, everything looks workable.

All over sudden lacking water during the weekend doesn't look that bad, I mean you are barely in the house on Saturdays right??

It is important for young adults to understand that there is no shame in staying in a hostel a little longer till you find the right place.

I know you want freedom and own space all very legit needs but think about it. Renting a house is expensive and you want to get a place that is workable. All I am saying is, take some time and be honest with yourself.

If it doesn't feel right, leave it and find some place else. Do not allow caretakers and agents to eat off of your naivety.

Trust me, you do not want to move into your new bedsitter that you paid a two month deposit, then three four days later, taps run dry, mara there are cockroaches everywhere, ama you get that there is no common place for waste disposal or worse so find out that the corner you frequent on your way home is a hot spot for burglary incidents.

Again, calm down and take your time. There is no shame in staying in a hostel for a little longer till you get a good place. No shame at all.