Urban apartment - child's room. [Photo: Standard]

Arrange the furniture so that there is adequate floor space for the child to walk and play. Include a low-level coloured table with chairs for your toddler to enjoy scribbling in colouring books, clay modelling and solving jigsaw puzzles.

Factor in storage cabinets and low level drawers to avoid clutter. Colour code the drawers so that the child can place books in the blue drawer and toys in the red drawers as they practice their colour identification.

Avoid placing furniture next to the window lest your little one uses it to climb out.

Floors should be comfortable, warm and easy to clean. Wooden or laminated floors make a warmer underfoot option than ceramic tiles. Wall to wall carpets can get easily stained and collect a lot of dust that could trigger allergies.

Non-slip bedside rugs with cartoon designs are a more practical solution as they can be frequently washed and dried out in the sun.

 Wall surfaces should be easy to clean and should be covered in washable, easy-to-wipe paint.

Add visual stimulation to the walls by decorating the room with age temporary decorations such as butterflies or cars which can be easily removed when their magic wears off.