When high school students strike, like it has been witnessed in over 30 schools country wide over the last two weeks, perhaps they think that they are punishing the school administration or they feel they know better their rights than the administration, could be some are out of ignorance or even a negative peer pressure that makes them feel it is only through strike that conflicts between them and the administration can be resolved. For any students at home reading this article, let me bring to your notice that every action that you undertake has its consequences. Some of the harsh consequences are highlighted below:

Undue burden to the parents and guardians

It would surprise you that in such strike scenes, you find students from humble background yelling at the top of their voices and actively participating in demolishing of school property, they often forget a picture of where they come from. Once they are sent out of school, the fines and charges are left to their parents and guardians who dint even take part in the strike, this is a punishment to the parents, they have to go an extra mile to solicit the fines which is not always less than 3000 shillings. For a parent or guardian without means, getting such kind of money may not be a walk in the park. So students kindly save your parents this burden.

Time wastage

This goes to the form four classes, a very crucial class that by now knows the importance of time; this ought to have been the best time to carry out thorough revisions and engage the teachers for the final touches preparations before the start of the third term which is relatively short, instead of making good use of this time, students have opted to strike because of petty issues like need for school bus, academic trips, exam leakage, exam fright, entertainment or the school diet and end up being sent home for a couple of weeks, the question is, who suffers at the end of it all? Is it the school administration, the teachers or the student? Students always look at the bigger picture of what you do!

Missing employment opportunities 

The director of criminal investigation has issued a warning to all student involved in criminal activities such as the demolition of school property. This is not a mere threat, As a matter of fact, The DCI said that they have started profiling and archiving students who engage in riots, such records and consolidated charges would be attached in their respective Certificates of Good Conduct which is a key requirement for any employer in Kenya. So you can see how the silly little mistake you do while you are in school will affect you future and dream career a great deal, you better change before changes change you.

Destruction of school facilities

Both the government and parents pump a lot of resources into schools to facilitate the construction of various facilities to aid the students obtain quality education from school, some of the facilities have been there since time immemorial and have assisted students over the years. When you burn down such expensive facilities, where do you expect your younger brother or sisters in primary schools to obtain assistance from when they join high school? 

Risk of a jail term

You are only considered a student when you are well behaved otherwise when you indulge in criminal activities like arson you seize being a student but a criminal, the ring leaders of such riots and strike once identified will be dealt thing in the same magnitude that a criminal out there would face, shape your behavior and the world would be a better place for you. There is a Swahili say that goes “Asiyefunzwa na mamaye,hufunzwa na ulimwengu” so shape your character and integrity before the “world” shapes it for you.i wish I knew often comes much later in life.