A 10-year-old boy who had been seized in a cattle raid has been surrendered to his community after a peace meeting between communities along the Kenyan-Uganda border.

The Turkana County Government handed over the boy and 78 animals to the Ugandan authorities as part of efforts to solve conflicts and restore peace among the border communities.

“Loomwa Ngoya from Dodoth District in Uganda was on June 19 abducted by Turkana raiders while herding cattle in Turkana West. Luckily, the boy was neither harmed nor intimidated by the raiders," said David Ekomwa, the county peace-building officer.

The boy was rescued from cattle rustlers who had crossed over from the Turkana side. He was placed under the care of Turkana West Sub-county administrator Esther Kiyonga.

"We had to take care of the boy as we negotiated the whereabouts of his parents and organised on how to take him back to his country. Finally, the handover was done," Ekomwa said.

Turkana Deputy County Commissioner Noah Tanui said people engaging in rustling should be dealt with according to the law.

"Peace-meeting committees make recommendations on punishment against the rustlers. For every head of cattle recovered in any kraal, 10 additional animals are given back to the victims,” said Tanui.