Vihiga County Executive Committee Member of Environment,Natural Resources,Water & Forestry is recovering in Kisumu hospital after he was involved in a road accident at Esikholobe area along Khumusalaba-Emusutswe road Emuhaya Monday night.

Elisha Alela, an eye witness from Ematsuli area says a passer-by noticed Sande's vehicle had hit a culvert by the roadside and later informed local administrators.
 Mr. Sande was rushed to Mbale hospital and later transferred to Avenue hospital where he is nursing injuries.

Mrs. Dande Mukuna has confirmed that her husband is in a stable condition though admitted for close examination by doctors.

Luanda traffic base commander Hannington Mwazonga has confirmed the incident as the wreckage of the ill-fated personal car was taken to Kilingili police station.