Patients at public hospitals in Nyeri continued to suffer despite communication that the five-day doctors' strike had been called off.

Teresa Mwaniki, 23, lost her first child on Monday evening, five hours after she reported to the Nyeri County Referral Hospital with labour pains.

The death brought to four the number of patients who have died following the go-slow.

"We were informed that there were no doctors and by the time we arrived at Mathari Mission Hospital, my sister-in-law had a still birth. It is painful that people should die in hospitals where they are supposed to be served," said Jacob Wanjohi.

Anne Mukuna, who attended to Ms Mwaniki at Mathari Hospital, explained that the patient experienced a macerated still birth (the foetus dies hours before its born), and that the mother had experienced reduced foetal movement.

At the county referral hospital, only interns and clinical officers were attending to patients. Those who needed doctors' attention were sent away.

"There are no doctors, only clinical officers and interns. There are no in-patient admissions at all even in the maternity wards," said an intern who declined to be named.

Nancy Wangui, a patient, complained that she could not afford medical services at a private facility after being sent away from the referral hospital.

"I will just go home unattended to because there is nothing I can do. I have been informed that there are no doctors at work and I have no money to seek treatment in a private hospital," she said.

However, the Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPDU) Central branch secretary, Goody Gor, maintained that they had called off the strike and were waiting to sign the return-to-work formula in order for doctors to resume their duties.

"We need a commitment before returning to work. We must be assured that the grievances we have aired will be honoured first," said Dr Gor as he complained of poor handling of the health sector by the county government.