Nairobi, Kenya: There was drama at the Lang'ata police station, Nairobi on Wednesday when a former police officer undressed and wore sacks while seeking attention of the Inspector General of Police.

The officer, Charles Kamau, 33 had resigned in January but came back demanding to be reinstated. Before he quit under the 24-hour rule and surrendered his one-month salary, the officer had been preaching at various bus stops.

His colleagues say when he realized he was under surveillance and investigation for preaching in public while armed he decided to resign.

“But after staying out of the service for almost a year now, he has been trying to come back in vain. We were surprised to see him outside the station half naked while wearing a sack,” said an officer at the station.

Lang'ata police boss Elijah Mwangi said the officer had resigned in January.

“He was stressed before his resignation and we think he wants to come back which is not possible for now.” said Mwangi.

Witnesses said the officer came and sat at the entrance of the station attracting pedestrians’ attention before his former colleagues picked him up from the site.

He told his colleagues he was seeking an audience with the police boss Joseph Boinnet.