You have probably heard the analogy (I will contextualize a bit):

In primary I was dying to go to high school...

Then I was dying to go to campus...

Then I was dying to get a job...

Then I was dying to get married...

Then I was dying to have children...

Then I was dying to see my grandchildren...

It is now that I realize I forgot to Live...


The process above usurps a lot of energy. Anxiety, fear of the unknown, sometimes insecurity diminishes the value of the moment out of us. It is only in the next level that we realize the folly of some of our cravings in the past. The world will keep pushing us. Thrusting technologies, ideologies, fantasies and mundane experiences to convince that we are missing out on life.


All the while our very lives is flowing under the bridge. As fathers we miss out our children's lives, while pursuing careers and businesses that we claim are solely meant for the provision of our families. There is always something more appealing "out there"; if only we can get it...we think. Then when we return to derelict children or an empty house we wonder: where did I go wrong?


It is only then, that we realize that we had left the most important and permanent things in life in pursuit of temporal egoistic endeavors that are futile when we get back. It is then that we realize time is a resource that can never be recovered. The best your company/career can do is reward you with material honors and may be even prestige that comes with certain achievements. But it will not give you love, especially of the people that matter.


This is not to deter dreams and aspirations for a better life. It is essential and responsible for us to have the means to provide for our needs and those of our families. A lot of creativity will be required to ensure that our families are brought on board. In some instances one may have to forgo important business meetings to attend to the needs of our loved ones. The dream of "having it all" is hardly realize without making sacrifices.


One day we will look back on time and into the eyes of our children and spouses, and celebrate the journey it has been. Remember: What goes around always comes around. Know where to place the value of time and when to back down from irrevocably detrimental but enticing offers. Solomon famously and conclusively stated at the end of Ecclesiastes: The whole duty of man is to fear God and shun evil.