Last week's release of the 2015 KCSE examination results raised different emotions when only a third of the total population of candidates attained the minimum university entry mean grade of C+ and above.

It leaves in question how the remaining two-thirds will shape their future bearing in mind that Kenya and the world at large needs technical skills to drive development.

However, our education sector is wanting. The mismatch between skills needed in the job market and what some of our universities and colleges are offering is of great concern.

Yet technical and vocational training is the key to development and attainment of vision 2030.

he informal sector in Kenya are diverse. Despite specialisation being on the increase, it faces a number of challenges including the wrong perception about needed skills and lack of knowledge of needed technologies.

Kenya is already a trendsetter in several development projects, which require young minds with up-to-date technical skills and creativity to offer solutions and make themselves indispensable in the process of production.

It is not the end of life for those who did not attain good grades and in addition, young Kenyans must understand that you do not succeed in life only by going to university and attaining a degree. This is a simplistic view.

There are people who have achieved so much without a degree; from Abraham Lincoln, Colonel Harlan Sanders to Henry Ford - the list is long. These people only learned a skill or a trade while working as apprentices or going to college.

For us to realise development, our country must allow middle-level colleges to continue training personnel with technical skills as universities train engineers and technologists.