Does this phrase “you can never achieve this” sound familiar? It seems to be with me ever since I was born. I am so used to hearing it that I do not even notice it as being separate from me.

This is the voice of the inner critic.

It is one sentence that puts me down, and its only function is to see me remain small.

From time to time, we have a faint voice telling us that we were meant to live up to our greatness.

We have to listen to a voice that tells us that our dreams are valid.

This is the voice of our real self which is within each one of us.

Its sole purpose is to see us soar beyond our dreams. It is our biggest champion.

The real self embodies within it inspiration, enthusiasm, creativity, clarity, instincts, authenticity, happiness, contentment and peace as it’s core. Both the inner critic who wants us to remain small and struggling and the real self that wants us to soar are within us.

How do we distinguish between these two voices? One is always negative and never wants to see us rise. The other is subtle and wants us to rise and achieve our dreams, and greatness

Each negative experience, leaves us emotionally wounded.

To protect ourselves from this harsh world, we lock ourselves out of the race to our greatness.

From childhood, our “unconscious” parents, teachers and peers tell us the same thing: You cannot do that; You are not good enough; It is not safe for you...

These phrases that express nothing but fear kill any ideas of creativity that we may have and we grow up believing we can never achieve anything. We were meant for mediocrity and a life of struggle.

If we were meant to be living in greatness, how do we then cross over from the inner critic to our real self? How do we transcend this vicious cycle of struggling to a life of happiness?

The question we should be asking ourselves is this: What key ingredient do we need to make this paradigm shift happen?

There is need to distinguish the inner critic from the voice that encourages us, and tells us that we can make it.

Once we identify the negative voice, we stop listening to it, and it will loosen its grip on our lives.

For one to cross over to the new realm, he/ she needs to listen to the real self more. The real self will never abandon you. It is always there, patiently waiting for you to turn to it. 

It is wise and it always roots for you to move forward, beyond your fears, and to achieve greatness. As you train yourself to sit and listen to your real self, the paradigm shift starts to happen and your life starts to transform from a context of stress, struggle, anxiety, confusion towards, inspiration, enthusiasm and clarity.